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Constitution and Bylaws of the Chamorro Golf Club of Washington State


Amended February 12, 2023


Article I:  NAME


Article I, Section 1:  The name of the Club shall be the Chamorro Golf Club of Washington State (CGCWS).




Article II, Section 1:  To promote unity, foster enjoyment, camaraderie, good sportsmanship and fellowship among Chamorro golfers and friends in response to positive competition in the game of golf.




Article III, Section 1:  Any golfer of Chamorro descent and a resident of Washington State may become a member of the club.


Article III, Section 2:  Membership may be extended to golfers other than Chamorro descent who have served with distinction in assisting and promoting the objective of the club. These members will not exceed one-third of the total membership.


Article III, Section 3: Lifetime membership may be extended to members who have served with distinction and continue to be active participants in supporting the objective of the club. These members are accorded membership rights and privileges that include voting. With one exception, lifetime members do not pay dues and are not included in any fund distribution.


Article III, Section 4: Honorary membership may be extended to golfers who are former members who are unable to play or honorary guests who have served with distinction in assisting and supporting the objective of the club. These are non-voting members who do not pay dues and are not required to actively participate. In general, most of these members are inactive except for special events such as the Hafa Adai and Islas Marianas Golf Classic.


Article III, Section 5:  Any prospective member nominated for membership must be sponsored by a member and must have a majority vote of the general membership. Nomination and voting for the prospective member must be conducted in the absence of the person being considered.  Member being nominated must participate in a minimum of four outings. 


Article III, Section 6:  A member shall participate in all Tournament of Champions (TOC) and sanctioned fund raising tournaments. As a minimum, each member will participate in at least two rounds per month. Members not complying with the minimum participation requirement or have three months in arrears in dues shall have their membership terminated other than those members that are excused by the Board of Directors. Reason for excusal includes, but is not limited to the following: Deployment/Temporary Duty (TDY), medical, work related or family reasons.  The President will notify, in writing, the member being terminated of the reason for termination.

Article III, Section 7:  A member may resign or terminate their membership at any time, either orally or in writing to any member of the Board of Directors.


Article III, Section 8:  Any member who resigned or terminated their membership, shall stay out for a period of one year from date of resignation or termination before being eligible for consideration to rejoin the club.


Article III, Section 9:  A member on deployment/TDY status or illness for over a period of six months SHALL be excused from tournament play. However, member will continue to pay monthly dues.  





Article IV, Section 1:  The club shall have a Board of Directors that consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


Article IV, Section 2:  The Board of Directors shall be charged to conduct, manage, and oversee the affairs of the club.


Article IV, Section 3:  The Board of Directors shall perform any and other duties imposed on them collectively or individually by the bylaws.


Article IV, Section 4:  The term of office for the Board of Directors shall be for a period of two (2) years.


Article IV, Section 5:  Nominations for office must be submitted by the end of April.


Article IV, Section 6:  Elections shall be held at a convenient date during the month of May by a secret ballot.


Article IV, Section 7:  Elections shall be held every two (2) years with terms beginning on June 1st.


Article IV, Section 8:  In the event of a vacancy in any position, other than the President, such vacancy may be filled temporarily by an appointment, by the President, or until a regular or special meeting is convened to officially nominate a member to fill the vacant position.




Article V, Section 1:  President – Ryan Blas


  1. The President shall be the CEO of the club and shall supervise and control the affairs of the club.

  2. Preside at all meetings.

  3. Have the power to create or appoint committee(s) to facilitate the operation of the club.


Article V, Section 2: Vice President – Brian Moore


  1. In the absence of the President, perform all duties of the President.

  2. Serve as Hospitality Chairperson in the event of death.

Article V, Section 3: Secretary – Gary Volz


  1. Maintain the original copy of the Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. Maintain a book of the minutes of all general or special meetings.

  3. Maintain a roster containing the name, telephone and address of each member.


Article V, Section 4:  Treasurer – Dwayne Lizama


  1. Have a charge and custody of all funds.

  2. Maintain an accurate account of all financial business transactions.

  3. Exhibit financial statements of the club fund upon request of the Board of Directors and during regular or special meetings.




Article VI, Section 1:  Dates, times and location for club meetings shall be announced by the President in advance.


Article VI, Section 2:  Any member of the club may request a special meeting to the Board of Directors for the resolution of a problem or conflict that might jeopardize the internal interest or affair of the club. The President shall announce date, time and location of the meeting.


Article VI, Section 3:  All meetings shall be conducted in a parliamentary and democratic manner.


Article VI, Section 4:  Quorum for meetings shall consist of 51% of the members.


Article VI, Section 5:  Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted, either by voice or roll call.  Approval of all matters submitted will require a majority vote (51% of the membership present).




Article VII, Section 1:  Dues shall be $25 annually and may be paid in advance.


Article VII, Section 2:  Dues collected and funds raised are for the club’s social functions, tournaments, special events, and for any other expenditure as approved by the Club.


Article VII, Section 3:  The majority of the club membership must approve expenditure of any and all funds.




Article VIII, Section 1:  All funds shall be deposited to the credit of the club in such a bank the Board of Directors established.


Article VIII, Section 2: All Checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by one other Board of Director.

Article VIII, Section 3:  A monetary contribution(s) from the club shall be given to each member or member’s immediate family (spouse and children) for illness, hospitalization, death, or any reasonable cause within a calendar year as follows:


(a)  Death = $100.00

                        (b) Hospitalization = $50.00


Article VIII, Section 4:  There is no club fund distribution and a minimum of $500.00 balance shall be maintained.




Article IX, Section 1:  Games shall be scheduled every Sunday, depending on the weather conditions and availability of tee times. Current club activities include Tournament of Champion (TOC) during the year. Refer to the Letter of Instruction for guidance on these activities. Tee times are called in on Sunday, at least one week prior to the Sunday schedule for play and posted on the blog site and group me application. Members shall contact the Tournament Director or the President as soon as possible prior to the Sunday schedule for play if they are NOT able to attend the event. Members bringing guests shall also notify the Tournament Director or the President so the guest(s) will be part of the head count.


Article IX, Section 2:  At least one club fund raising tournaments are scheduled during the year. Information will be announced in advance and posted by the President.


Article IX, Section 3:  Other club sponsored or social functions and trips shall be established by a majority vote of the club membership.


Article IX, Section 4:  Currently, there are two (2) club social functions: Club Fund raising Tournament held in June and the Tournament of Champion Award Celebration upon completion of the final tournament in October. Date, Time and Location will be determined at the general meeting.


Article IX, Section 5:  Guests may participate in any of the club’s Tournament of Champion (TOC) but are not eligible for any prizes or awards.




Article X, Section 1:  The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at a regular or special meeting by a majority vote of the general membership, provided a quorum is present.




Article XI, Section 1:  In the event the club shall be disbanded or terminated, current ACTIVE STATUS members of the club shall share all assets.    

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